Summary :
Since she has gone, Ana is desesperated. She missed Christian, his fifty shades of fucked-up. Only one week later, they see each other : he want her to come back. He is ready for all sacrifies : no rules, just more, with her.
Will she accept ? Can it work ?
Opinion :
I just love this saga ! I want to read this second book for 2 long months, but I always had something more pressing to read before. Finally, I decided to begin it, even if it doesn't correspond to any challenge. I began it. And even if, it took me one week to read it, I have a big crush ! It's just wonderful ! Usally, I only read 30 or 40 pages, but it was so captivating that I read 120 per day ! It's huge !
I love this book, but I feel like I prefer the novel in French. Maybe just because I understand more, or because I already know the story now. I did't find the suspens that I have when I read it in French... But, pages turns themselves alone, so... I mean, the surprise was passed, but the interest was still here ! It's a real pleasure to meet them again !
You know that I love Christian and Ana ! I mean, they are very cute ! I know that Christian could be a bastard, but for he is jus like a lost little boy... He only does, what he know. I love his love for Ana, and the way whose he proves it. Ana is sympathic too. The others are good too : Elena, Leila and Jack bring much to the story ! I love Dr Flinn too ! He is very funny...
The end is very interesting ! I means the last page is just Wahou ! Actually, the last chapter is Wahou !!! I knew what will happen, but the effect on me was exactly the same than the first time ! I want to read the following book ! I already wanted it before, but... The suspens is here ! I want to know what will happen ! I don't know if I will read it in French or in English before, but I look forward !
A big crush, but maybe less strong than for in French...
18 / 20
Well, I'm shit, really... I swallow. "If I told you I was fine, I'd be lying."
He inhales sharply. "Me, too," he murmurs and reaches over and clasps my hand. "I miss you," he adds.
Oh no. Skin against skin.
"Christian, I-"
"Ana, please. We need to talk."
I'm going to cry. No. "Christian, I... please... I've cry so much," I whisper, trying to keep my emotions in check.
"Oh, baby, no." He tugs my hand, and before I know it I'm on his lap. He has his arls around me, and his nose is in my hair. "I've missed you so much, Anastasia," he breathes.
Other book writen by EL JAMES :
☺ Cinquante nuances, tome 1 : Cinquante nuances de Grey [mon avis]
☺ Fifty shades, book 1 : Fifty shades of Grey [my opinion]
☺ Cinquante nuances, tome 2 : Cinquante nuances plus sombres [mon avis]
☺ Fifty shades, book 3 : Fifty shades freed [my opinion]
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